Home Rate Update

The Week in Review: More good news, U.S. economic reports showed improvement the last quarter of 2011 and the biggest report of 2012 continued the trend. The Unemployment Rate fell to 8.5%, the lowest it’s been the past three years. On the week, home loan rates came down just a bit. What to Expect: Here…

Mortgage Rates, which way to go?

The Week in Review: Mortgage interest rates moved higher by about .25% by mid-week but turned right around and moved back down by Friday. On the week, home loan rates were basically unchanged. What to Expect: Will there be new developments this week in Europe? There was some positive news and some negative news last…

Smyrna Vinings Rate Update

The Week in Review: What a week. Investors turned sour on the stock market and set it into a free fall. Money coming out of the stock market was invested in bonds and that helped mortgage rates decrease .125% to .25%. However, the biggest news item of the week came after the markets were closed…

Smyrna Mortgage Rate Update: Week of June 1, 2010

The Week in Review: Home loan rates ended the week just a hair higher than where they started out. However, the month of May was a great month if you were hoping for rates to go down. What to Expect: News from around the globe will once again drive the markets. Recently, credit rating services…