
Smyrna Little League Baseball Registration

Batter up! It’s time for Little League Baseball to start up in Smyrna. Registration can be done online through January 15, 2014.

They offer baseball for boys and girls ages 4-12. Your child’s playing age is the age that they will be on April 30, 2014. Example of league age, player turns 7 on April 24, 2014….they will play Minor 2 (7&8 year olds)

They offer:

T-Ball for ages 4 and 5.

PeeWee 1 for beginner 5&6 yr olds, PeeWee 2 for 2nd season 5&6 yr olds,

Minor 2 (machine pitch) for ages 7&8

and kid pitch ball for ages 9-12 (Minor 1 and Major)

You can register online at Smyrna Little League Baseball.

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