For those that didn’t make it to the Smyrna Town Hall meeting at the Smyrna Community Center on Tuesday, we’ll try to provide a recap for you. Hopefully, we can answer a lot of the questions that are on your mind. And if not, then contact us to see if we can get you an answer.

There were probably about 250 people present for the town hall meeting. Marc Picard from WXIA 11 Alive was the moderator for the program. There were four presentations, followed by a Q&A session where the local Smyrna residents were able to submit questions.

Time did not allow for all the questions to be answered, so we’ll see how the City of Smyrna is planning on addressing those.

The four presentations were:

There is a lot of information to cover from these presentations, so we’re actually go to break them up into separate bite-size morsels for you. We’ll be posting information pertaining to the four presentations as well as other information that was covered in the Q&A section.

First up, we’ll be covering the economic development / redevelopment section, which also covered Jonquil Village and Belmont Hills, which are asked about a lot.